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  • 1 March, 2022

    Products & Solutions


    德国辛斯海姆(2022年3月1日)QSC庆祝与中国经销商北京东方佳联影视技术有限公司(PCI)合作30周年。1992年,QSC创始人Pat Quilter、Barry Andrews和John Andrews授权PCI为中国区经销商。多年来,PCI一直与QSC一路前行,他们经销的产品也逐渐多样化,从最初只经销功放,到现在面向中国客户提供全系QSC和Q-SYS产品,涉及多个垂直市场。  QSC北亚地区总经理William Chan表示,“PCI成为QSC中国经销商已经30周年了,自从双方合作以来,中国市场取得了巨大的发展。PCI帮助QSC快速扩大在中国地区的市场份额,表现出了对QSC品牌的热情和专注。衷心感谢他们的努力付出,期待着未来我们继续保持坚定的合作关系。”   目前,PCI是中国主题公园、公共场所、电影院、交通运输行业和政府会议市场的重要解决方案提供商。PCI还参与了很多重要的企业音视频协作项目,将Q-SYS平台的所有优势推广到中国各地的高价值空间。  PCI的所有者Shaolei Liu和Mishka Chen表示,“很高兴与QSC庆祝双方合作30周年,QSC持续为广大用户提供首屈一指的新产品。QSC最新发布了几款新Q-SYS硬件和创新软件,包括第一款Q-SYS网络麦克风和扬声器。全新的Q-SYS扩展许可是一款革命性解决方案,也见证了QSC的不断创新和进步。期待着QSC和PCI在中国市场取得进一步发展。”  关于QSC  QSC是音响领域全球公认的领导品牌,至今已有五十多年的历史。本公司主要设计和生产高性能扬声器、数字调音台、功放、音频处理器、数字影院解决方案和Q-SYS™云端管理音频视频及控制生态系统,产品曾斩获多项行业大奖。我们的全球销售、服务和支持网络致力于我娱乐、协作和商业音视频应用提供可靠、可扩展的灵活解决方案,用声音连接世界各地的用户,为他们留下美好回忆。  如需了解更多信息,请联系  QSC媒体联系人:  Kristine Fowler | 数字营销经理  714.624.4527 |…


  • 16 February, 2022

    Products & Solutions


    加利福尼亚州科斯塔梅萨(2022年2月16日)– QSC发布全新Q-SYS扩展许可,帮助集成商和IT管理员扩展Q-SYS Core Nano和Core 8 Flex的DSP处理能力和应用特定功能。通过利用Q-SYS平台基于软件的灵活架构,Q-SYS用户可以升级和自定义他们的Q-SYS Core处理器,以满足不断变化应用和使用需求。 系统产品战略和开发副总裁TJ Adams表示,“Q-SYS Core操作系统可以利用英特尔硬件平台的处理能力,从而提高处理能力和动态余量,以支持当前和未来的扩容。在发布Q-SYS Core处理器(包括Core Nano和Core 8 Flex)的同时,我们可以更好地利用硬件速度、性能和总体处理能力方面的优势。”“借助这些新许可,我们继续践行软件创新的承诺,利用一个途径提供更多处理资源,为客户的Q-SYS系统赋予更强大的灵活性和精细度,支持他们未来的发展和不断变化的应用需求。” 面向Q-SYS Core Nano和Core 8 Flex的Q-SYS协作包扩展许可可以进一步增强Q-SYS产品在会议应用领域的功能。这款基于软件的新许可可以提升AEC的处理能力上限以及更多的Softphones,并支持最多6个Q-SYS NM系列NM-T1网络麦克风。此外,它还释放了额外的DSP硬件处理能力,将网络音频通道容量扩展到128x128路,让Q-SYS Core Nano和Core 8 Flex轻松扩展到更大的高价值空间,例如可分割空间和多用途房间。 面向Q-SYS Core Nano和Core 8 Flex的Q-SYS商用音视频包扩展许可是专门为需要中大型Core处理器的背景音乐和寻呼应用量身定制的。这一许可能够将通用DSP处理能力扩展到Core Nano和Core 8 Flex,并将联网音频通道容量扩展到128x128条。它还可以将Media Streaming传输的通道容量增加到24x24路,并将Q-SYS周边设备的数量增加到48。 该许可与Q-SYS…


  • 16 February, 2022

    Products & Solutions


    加利福尼亚州科斯塔梅萨(2022 年 2 月 16 日)– QSC将发布基于云端管理的 Q-SYS 音视频及控制平台下的NM系列桌面网络麦克风和NL系列网络扬声器。这些新产品基于Q-SYS操作系统,能够搭配最新发布的Q-SYS NC系列会议摄像头和Q-SYS第三代TSC系列网络触屏控制器,为设计师、顾问、集成商和IT终端用户提供一整套基于IP的Q-SYS原生协作产品。  Q-SYS NM系列网络麦克风  Q-SYS NM系列NM-T1是一款桌面PoE网络麦克风,采用先进的波束成型技术,通过软件可以对四个区域进行独立配置,实现360°全覆盖,它能够帮助设计师尽量减少噪音,优化识音能力,从而优化用户的协作体验。NM-T1采用可编程的RGB LED环形灯,能够直观地指示麦克风静音状态,从而帮助用户轻松管理会议。为了实现无接触操作,这款产品还集成了式近距离传感器,可以通过麦克风上方的简单手势激活。  NM-T1的所有处理操作全部集中在Q-SYS Core处理器上执行,不仅提供了处理上的灵活性,并且支持现在和未来通过软件在现场部署麦克风增强功能。例如,针对Q-SYS Core Nano或Core 8 Flex新推出的Q-SYS协作扩展许可可以帮助用户横向和纵向扩展他们的Q-SYS设施,解锁更多处理资源,额外增加NM-T1麦克风和/或其他基于软件的功能。  Q-SYS NL系列网络扬声器  Q-SYS NL系列扬声器提供三种箱体,全部具备优秀的语音和音乐表现力,能够适合任何现代协作空间。采用4英寸两分频的NL-SB42网络PoE Soundbar是QSC的首款条形音箱,并针对横向和纵向的前声场音频进行了优化。Q-SYS NL-P4是一款吊挂安装的4英寸全指向PoE网络扬声器,适合吊顶安装。Q-SYS NL-C4 是一款吊顶安装的4英寸PoE网络扬声器,适合隐藏式吊顶安装。  NL系列采用纤细优雅的外观设计,同时具备优秀的声学特征,用户可以随意混搭,巧妙融入各种环境。此外,集成商可以利用QSC的Intrinsic Correction™…


  • 16 February, 2022

    Products & Solutions

    QSC推出Q-SYS专用网络 I/O扩展器

    加利福尼亚州科斯塔梅萨(2021年8月24日)– QSC针对Q-SYS基于云端管理的⾳视频及控制平台推出QIO系列网络I/O扩展器。对于需要为Q-SYS系统轻松添加非联网音频和控制功能但是又不希望进行复杂编程的用户,这些I/O扩展器为他们提供了可扩展I/O定制功能,帮助他们轻松达成目标。  QIO系列包括三个音频型号和三个控制I/O型号,分别支持特定的连接类型。这些I/O扩展器支持分布式、集中式和混合网络和处理架构,设备I/O与音频、视频和控制处理设备可以分别设置在不同的位置,这为设计师提供了极大的灵活性。对于Core Nano、Core 8 Flex和NV-32-H (Core 兼容)等自带I/O选项较少的Q-SYS Core处理器,这些扩展器可以扩展I/O自定义能力。所有型号结构紧凑,可以安装在机架上也可以安装在设备表面。  音频I/O型号利用+48 VDC幻象电源提供专业麦克风/线路电平输入和/或线路输出,以确保高性能和兼容性,同时输入端的麦克风检测功能,可以实现监控、使用统计和故障通知等功能。  QIO-ML4i:4路麦克风/线路输入  QIO-L4o:4路输出  QIO-ML2x2:2路麦克风/线路输入和2路线路输出  控制I/O型号增加了红外线、串行或GPIO连接,能够将对各种设备的控制功能集成到任意Q-SYS系统中。  QIO-IR1x4:集成商可以使用原生Q-SYS产品实现红外线控制,这是之前的产品做不到的。其中包括1路红外线接收器输入和4路红外线发射器输出,可以控制任意数量的专业设备/消费类设备,包括视频显示器、媒体播放器等。  QIO-S4:提供4个双向RS232串行端口(包括兼容RS422和RS485的端口),支持控制照明系统、视频显示器、会议系统、广播设备等。  QIO-GP8x8:为需要连接使用传感器、按钮、LED指示灯、蜂鸣器等设备的系统提供8路逻辑输入和8路逻辑输出。  …


  • 16 February, 2022

    Products & Solutions


    加利福尼亚州科斯塔梅萨(February 16, 2022) – QSC推出AcousticDesign™系列Direct Weather景观扬声器(AD-DWL)。本系列产品采用纤细的加高音柱箱体设计,使声音可以在障碍物上方传播,在不牺牲音质的情况下为自定义户外安装提供了一款坚固、耐冲击的解决方案。  Direct Weather景观扬声器系列包括AD-DWL.180扬声器(180°定向覆盖)和AD-DWL.360扬声器(360°全向覆盖),能够帮助设计师将声音指向最需要的位置,从而满足具体空间的使用需求,搭配的AD-DWL.SUB重低音扬声器能够丰富和延伸低频音效。所有型号均采用防破坏底座,并且选用绿色箱体,以完美融入大部分景观中,而且支持涂装,从而满足进一步的定制要求。  为了便于安装,AD-DWL系列中的所有扬声器的尺寸相当,方便调节;同时提供了直接固定到混凝土上或埋地安装的底座,方便进行永久性安装。此外,本系列扬声器采用耐用的聚丙烯/玻璃纤维结构和不锈钢五金件,能够达到IP-55防护等级,因而可以耐受严苛的户外环境。  AcousticDesign系列Direct Weather扬声器与AcousticDesign系列的其他产品一样,都具备优秀的声学特征,因此用户可以选择不同的外观,从而满足应用的具体需求。集成商也可以利用QSC的Intrinsic Correction™ (本征校正技术),通过Q-SYS基于云端管理的⾳视频及控制平台或CXD系列功放达到内置自定义QSC扬声器的音效,从而简化调试过程。  QSC功放产品经理Daniel Sanez表示,“对于很多应用而言,耳目一新的户外聆听体验越来越重要。AD-DWL的诞生标志着AcousticDesign™系列将可以适合各种气候环境,并且可以组成一个灵活的系统,无缝提供优质的听觉体验。”  关于QSC …


  • 11 January, 2022

    Products & Solutions

    QSC KLA Line Array Uplifts the Audio Experience at Resurrection Church

    Corsicana, TX (January 11, 2022) – [De, Fr, Es] – When pastors Jeremy and Catherine Teague arrived at Resurrection Church, they faced an immediate challenge in engaging their congregation with their sermons and the music of the church’s praise band - a woefully inadequate P.A. system. Jeremy, who is well versed in audio, knew a complete AV makeover was in order. After consulting with account manager Derrick Ramirez of Irving, Texas-based Sound Productions, he went all in on a QSC active line array system consisting of a total of four KLA12 cabinets and two KLA181 subwoofers. “I came to the church a little over a year ago,” recalls Pastor Jeremy. “We were in the process of replacing everything from the board to the loudspeakers. There had been no investment in anything tech-wise in over 20 years, so of course the first priority during the pandemic was to get some sort…


  • 10 November, 2021

    Products & Solutions

    QSC Launches Professional Services in the US

    Costa Mesa, Calif. (November 10, 2021) – QSC launches Professional Services for US markets, expanding the ability for integrators and consultants to take advantage of QSC programming expertise along with additional support services for any high-value installation. QSC Professional Services is ideal for projects that require manufacturer involvement in the system programming and deployment, or those firms looking to bridge gaps in their in-house expertise. Its also for those projects that require cutting-edge third-party device integration, or any highly specific system automation or user control interface (UCI) needs, as well as projects that are looking for extended programming warranty beyond initial terms. Professional Service enlists trained QSC experts to provide complete Q-SYS solution programming, including DSP configuration, third-party control, video…


  • 30 September, 2021

    Products & Solutions

    QSC Solution Drives the Sounds of the Gibson Garage Experience Center

    Nashville, TN (September 30, 2021) — [De, Fr, Es] — Visiting the Gibson Garage should be on any guitarist’s bucket list. The iconic instrument maker’s new experience center features a central concert stage ringed by retail of all Gibson brands, repair and restoration, and even a custom shop where customers can work with a luthier on a bespoke guitar. To ensure a seamless sonic experience throughout, Gibson turned to Nashville integrator Systems Innovation, who installed a complete QSC solution, including a Q-SYS Core 110f processor at the system’s heart to distribute audio. The stage — featuring powered K12.2 and K10.2 loudspeakers with KS212C cardioid subwoofers — can receive audio from the Core or the TouchMix-30 Pro digital mixer. In parallel, the Core feeds satellite rooms via an eight-channel CX-Qn 4K8 power amp driving passive speakers including 20 surface-mount…


  • 15 September, 2021

    Products & Solutions

    QSC Appoints ZinoPro as Distribution Partner in South Korea

    Costa Mesa, CA (September 15, 2021) – [Ko] – QSC is pleased to announce ZinoPro will begin distributing its Systems product portfolio in South Korea, effective September 1, 2021. ZinoPro will join the list of existing QSC distributors in South Korea, including Sama CDS, Inc., Soundhub Co. LTD and Sovico System Corporation. “We are pleased to partner with ZinoPro in South Korea,” says William Chan, Managing Director, North Asia, QSC. “With ZinoPro we now have a partner in the region that can offer complete QSC solutions for high-value spaces. With the ability to offer both Q-SYS and the Sennheiser TeamConnect Ceiling 2 microphone, we can improve the pre and post sales experience and deliver the most comprehensive set of certified solutions for conferencing applications like Microsoft Teams Rooms." “As demand for high-values spaces continues to grow, we look forward to…


  • 30 April, 2020

    Products & Solutions

    Two New Loudspeakers from QSC Now Shipping

    Costa Mesa, Calif. (April 30, 2020) – [De, Es, Fr] – QSC announces its shipping two new loudspeakers – the AD-P.HALO, an integrated SUB/SAT pendant loudspeaker system, and the AC-C2T-LP, a low-profile ceiling-mount full range loudspeaker. As part of the AcousticDesign™ Series, AD-P.HALO features an integrated 6.5” subwoofer and four 2.75” transducers in a single pendant-mount enclosure. This purpose-built design is ready to install right out of the box, eliminating complex and time-consuming assembly while greatly expediting the installation process and reducing overall labor costs. The AD-P.HALO is ideal for applications where music inspires the overall atmosphere, such as high-end retail or hospitality. At 200 watts RMS, the AD-P.HALO offers significant dynamic headroom that far surpasses the background music performance of traditional two-way pendant-mount…


  • 4 November, 2019

    Products & Solutions

    Rentex Upgrades AV Rental Portfolio with QSC CP Series

    CANTON, MA (November 4, 2019) – Founded in 1980, with  locations in major cities from coast to coast, Rentex is one of the largest and most trusted wholesale renters of audio-visual  equipment in the USA. Providing equipment to AV rental, staging, production and other live event companies, their business model thrives by partnering with their customers, ensuring that that contractors and event producers can handle any scenario their clients might throw at them. In fulfillment of this goal, Rentex offers a mammoth selection of meticulously maintained and quality-checked equipment -  that assortment most recently enhanced with the purchase of 200 QSC CP Series CP12 compact powered loudspeakers. “We house and maintain a very large inventory with the goal of augmenting our clients’ inventories,” says Director of Technology Ken Carmichael. “We can have gear at any…


  • 23 October, 2019

    Products & Solutions

    FOH Engineer Larry Sanchez Mixes Poncho Sanchez with QSC TouchMix-30 Pro

    Costa Mesa, CA (October 23, 2019) — [Es] — FOH Engineer Larry Sanchez can still remember being thrown into the lion’s den, decades ago, mixing his very first gig at front-of-house standing behind an aircraft carrier-sized analog console. Fast forward to today and Sanchez can typically be found behind his QSC TouchMix-30 PRO compact digital mixer. Sanchez has mixed on nearly every brand and type of live console, for the last 30-plus years working almost exclusively as FOH engineer for Poncho Sanchez (no relation), the Los Angeles-based GRAMMY Award-winning band leader and conguero (conga player). But as the 67-year-old band leader has cut back on his busy touring schedule, says Sanchez, he started to open himself up to freelance work — and went looking for a mixing console to help book gigs. TouchMix was his top choice, says Sanchez. “I was already a fan. A friend of…


  • 8 October, 2019

    Products & Solutions

    QSC Adds Powerful KS118 Active Subwoofer to KS Series Family

    Costa Mesa, CA (October 8th, 2019) — [De, Fr, Es] — Succeeding the highly acclaimed KW181 model, QSC is pleased to introduce the KS118 active subwoofer, the newest member of the KS Series subwoofer family. With its robust design, legendary QSC amplification and versatile DSP features, the KS118 is the perfect choice for mobile entertainment, AV rental, event production, clubs and performance  venues for which very high output and commanding low frequency performance is needed. Featuring a long excursion 18-inch direct radiating driver powered by a 3600 Watt Class D amplifier, the KS118 delivers high sound pressure levels with dynamic and musical sound reproduction of very low frequencies. On-board DSP optimizes and protects system performance while also offering advanced capabilities such as the ability to array two units in a cardioid arrangement, maximizing low…


  • 3 September, 2019

    Products & Solutions

    QSC TouchMix Captures Studio-Quality Recording of Def Leppard’s Phil Collen

    Costa Mesa, CA (September 3, 2019) – [De, Fr, Es] – The Fender Factory is where you’ll find the iconic guitar maker’s full line of standard production guitars, as well as, limited edition, artist-inspired instruments. Working there is the ultimate gig for any guitar geek, because top artists regularly drop by to talk shop, try out new axes, and sometimes put on spontaneous concerts for the employees. Recently, Phil Collen of Def Leppard fame did just that with his band Delta Deep—which plays classic delta blues, only harder—and walked away with a recording he described as “perfect.” Fender’s IT Support Supervisor Steph Maffei describes how this was accomplished entirely on the same mixer that was running the live sound: a TouchMix-16 from QSC. “I’m a musician myself and have worked on both sides of the mixing console,” says Maffei. “This all started when Fender gave…


  • 9 July, 2019

    Products & Solutions

    QSC Powers Jordan Rudess’ KeyFest at Sweetwater

    FORT WAYNE, IN (July 9, 2019) – Jordan Rudess may be best known as the fleet-fingered synth shredder in prog-metal phenomenon Dream Theater, but he’s also an educator, sound designer, virtual instrument app developer, and tireless evangelist of the joys of learning to play. Yearly, he puts on KeyFest, an intensive three-day clinic for keyboardists of all levels of ability, at the expansive facilities of acclaimed retailer, Sweetwater. This year’s co-instructors included David Rosenthal (Billy Joel, Cyndi Lauper) and Latin jazz star Otmaro Ruiz. To hear and capture it all, KeyFest 2019’s live sound equipment was QSC—which, given the vast array of options available on the Sweetwater campus, is a testament to the brand’s performance and fidelity. Two clinician rooms were each outfitted with K12.2 powered loudspeakers for mains, K8.2 loudspeakers as monitors, and a…


  • 18 June, 2019

    Products & Solutions

    QSC Launches Firmware v2.0 for its acclaimed TouchMix-30 Pro Digital Mixer

    Costa Mesa, CA (June 18th, 2019) – [De, Es, Fr] – QSC, LLC is pleased to introduce a major firmware v2.0 update to its highly acclaimed TouchMix-30 Pro compact digital mixer. Quickly becoming the new standard for performance in a compact digital mixer, the TouchMix-30 Pro with firmware v2.0 now further satisfies the needs of the most demanding professionals with a comprehensive list of the most-requested feature enhancements including:  New Custom Fader Banks function supporting three fader bank assignments, each with eight channels, that are saved as part of a Mixer Scene Capability to interface with third-party external control surfaces with motorized faders (QSC has verified operation with iCon Platform M+, Behringer XTouch Compact and PreSonus FaderPort 8 control surfaces) 28 New Instruments Presets (Cajon, Accordion, Harmonica, Ukulele, Cello, Clarinet,…


  • 23 April, 2019

    Products & Solutions

    Dweezil Zappa Chooses QSC as Reference for Classic Guitar Tones

    Los Angeles, CA (April 23, 2019) — Dweezil Zappa knows a thing or two about guitar. Steeped in music since early childhood thanks to his father — virtuoso rock guitarist and maverick composer Frank Zappa — Dweezil’s own illustrious career has become the poster for an encyclopedic knowledge of technique, tone, and gear, bolstered by the perfectionism and work ethic that famously runs in the family. From his solo work to his tribute project encompassing his father, Frank Zappa’s Astounding Compositions, to his upcoming tenure on the 2019 Experience Hendrix tour, Dweezil has relied on QSC powered loudspeakers to recreate iconic guitar tones and craft entirely new ones. In his latest stage rigs, these include multiple K12.2 and K10.2 cabinets. “I first discovered QSC close to 11 years ago,” recalls Zappa. “I had started using and the Axe Effects digital modeling devices…


  • 8 April, 2019

    Products & Solutions

    Flight of Voices Journeys Far And Wide with QSC

    Los Angeles, CA (April 8, 2019) — If great music is like fine wine, then Los Angeles-based collective Flight of Voices is music’s sommelier. Calling on an extensive stock of artists, their tastings offer a diverse musical palate for audiences to savor. These ensembles perform in a wide variety of unique indoor and outdoor venues from Malibu’s Saddlerock Gardens to the legendary Village Studios to a room in Beverly Hills made entirely of pink salt. Needing a powerful but lightweight and easy-to-use P.A. system, they found QSC to be the perfect pairing. Everything is mixed and recorded with a TouchMix-30 Pro compact digital mixer. Two K12.2 powered loudspeakers serve as mains, supplemented by a KS112 powered subwoofer and three K10.2 powered loudspeakers handle monitor duties. “We do gigs in all different kinds of locations,” says co-owner Alex Nimier. “Mountains,…


  • 26 February, 2019

    Products & Solutions

    Dead Sara Comes to Life with QSC TouchMix-30 Pro as Monitor Mixer

    Los Angeles, CA (February, 25 2019) — Fronted by the dynamic duo of lead singer Emily Armstrong and guitarist Siouxsie Medley, Dead Sara combines a savvy sense for hooks and melody with an unhinged energy that simply rocks. To ensure they can hear themselves as they deliver their electrifying live shows, the band members run their own in-ear monitor mixes from their smartphones, thanks to the remote control capabilities of the QSC TouchMix-30 Pro compact digital mixer. “For so many years, we toured while being at the mercy of in-house stage monitors,” recalls Armstrong. “We’ve used the TouchMix and in-ears for this tour and the one before it, and we love it.” “We travel with a Gator rack case that contains an XLR splitter, a power conditioner, the transmitters for the in-ears, and on top, the TouchMix,” explains front-of-house engineer Josh Harner, who tours with the…


  • 18 February, 2019

    Products & Solutions

    Ark of Orenda Art & Music Mutant Vehicle Depends Upon QSC to Create Immersive Festival Sound

    San Francisco, CA (February 18, 2019) — The Ark of Orenda is a massive art and music vehicle operated by the non-profit, High Seas Energy in affiliation with Burners without Borders. Visually inspired by “the kind of desert hovercraft barge a sci-fi villain rides around on” according to artist Jeff Deehan, it has already toured regional Burner gatherings and will make its official debut in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada this coming summer. To create an unforgettable musical experience for listeners who gather around the Ark to hear performances from Live Musicians and DJs Deehan and audio engineer John Buehler designed an impressive system using QSC live sound equipment exclusively, with KLA12 active line arrays for the main front-of-house; four E218sw dual-18-inch passive subwoofers driven by PLD4.5 power amplifiers to provide extended bass; K12.2 active loudspeakers…
